in bad company

 💫" associate yourself with people of good quality, for its better to be alone than in bad company''- Booker T. Washington 💫
i think this quote can be true but also it could be false. it depends on what you see as bad and what you see as good. if you are a close-minded person you may see many things as bad, on the other hand if you're open to things and you keep in mind other peoples lives / choices may not affect you then you might not care as much. i personally don't see alcohol as bad as long as you're drinking responsibly and not putting anyone's life in danger. if you're drinking and driving then that's a different story and that would be you around bad company. there is also a time and place for everything. somethings you don't do at certain times and that would make you a bad person especially if you know its not a good time. 


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