SSS ben carson

" i hated poverty. poverty is more of a choice than anything else, and i can change that. it depends upon how hard i want to work, and i decided that i would change it. " - Dr. Ben Carson 

i think this quote by Ben Carson is a very accurate good quote. although he grew up in a bad situation, he was able to overcome that and highly succeed in life. Ben became a doctor and helped do surgery to separate conjoined twins. i think everyone is able to change their lives like Ben did, they probably have to work really hard like him though. he has had many problems get in his way but with the help of his mother and how she viewed life, he was able to succeed. i think its nice how he was able to do so much and learn so much from so little. he wasn't viewed as the smartest in school and didn't know much, but by reading he was able to overcome that and be as good as the other kids. i think we can relate to Ben because we aren't as privileged as other people, but we still do have it a lot easier tan others. it could be hard for us to work and get a good job to get out of this neighborhood though. 


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